We've compiled some words of wisdom and hope from a few class of 2020 grads. Read about the other students here: Monte Collins, Landon Smith, Christian and Aidan Golish
Joshua Powell, White Bear Lake Area High School
What are you most proud of in regard to your academic career?
My academic career was good overall, but I am most proud of my ACT score. I got a 28 after my second try, with which I was able to receive a Presidential scholarship to Concordia College. I was also able to receive the Conductor’s Choice scholarship after participating in the MN All-State choir.
What sports and/or extra-curricular activities were you involved in?
Throughout all four years of high school I was involved in theatre, varsity wrestling and band. I also joined choir after my sophomore year, along with another choir outside of school called Angelica Cantanti Youth Choirs (ACYC). I was a member of the WBL drum line during my freshman year.
What are your thoughts on missing some of the big events of your senior year?
Some events that I missed due to COVID-19 aside from graduation were choir concerts, band concerts, a student-led musical production, and Hennepin Theatre Trust’s Spotlight Showcase.
How have you filled your time during the coronavirus?
While I’ve mostly been working, quarantine has given me a lot of time to work on music. This includes singing, practicing piano and composing music.
What are your plans for the fall?
I will be attending Concordia College in Moorhead, MN. I will be studying psychology and music.
Who is one person who has had a profound impact on your life, and how?
One person who has had a profound impact on me is my brother Monte. He introduced me to the world of musical theatre, which is one of the most important things in my life. Being a part of theatre in middle school and high school has boosted my self-confidence and reinforced my love for singing and music in general.
What have you learned about yourself during this time of coronavirus?
During this time, I have realized just how important human interaction is for me. I do not have nearly as much motivation as I do when I am surrounded by my peers and trusted adults that support me. It is surprising how much loneliness can have an effect on your mental health.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I hope to have gotten my bachelor’s in psychology and possibly working towards my master’s.
Do you have a favorite quote or words of wisdom?
My words of wisdom are to simply follow the Golden Rule and treat others the way you want to be treated. Kindness is key.