Each year, the Greater White Bear Lake Community Foundation hosts a community-wide program called Community Partners to raise money to provide grants to nonprofit organizations that serve our area. In 2021, $67,500 was raised and granted to 23 nonprofit organizations. Since the program began in 2017, a total of $145,000 has been raised and granted to nonprofits serving our community.
The volunteer Grants Committee under the helm of Grants Committee chair Laura Whitney works to encourage nonprofits to apply for grants, helps nonprofits with its grant applications and evaluates all applications before making final decisions. At the community Share the Joy event in early December each year, the grants are distributed in person to all recipients.
Whitney says, “The best part is being able to meet the people behind the grant applications and to share that joy with members of the community!” This year’s event will take place on December 1 at the event center at Rudy’s Redeye Grill.
In celebration of the dedicated volunteers that uplift this community, the Greater White Bear Lake Community Foundation spotlights a noteworthy citizen or initiative of the White Bear Lake area in each issue. Learn more at gwblcf.org.