Reading is like second nature to some kids, while others can struggle at times.
Maplewood Library has Georgia, a yellow Lab-mix who was originally a rescue dog, to help kids learn this all-important skill. On Mondays, from 6 to 7 p.m., school-aged kids can come read to Georgia in one of four 15-minute slots.
Monica Stratton, director of the Maplewood Library, explains that Paws to Read has three purposes. “The program helps kids who struggle with reading, kids who struggle with reading out loud and kids who either are afraid of dogs and would be helped by getting to know a dog in a safe setting like this, or who would like to have a dog at home but aren’t able to have one—it allows them to build a relationship with a dog.”
Research shows that kids who read out loud to dogs or cats on a regular basis show dramatic improvement in their skills. Animals provide a safe, non-judgmental presence for struggling readers. Sharing books with furry supporters helps kids sustain concentration and focus, improve attitudes toward school, increase reading comprehension and fluency, foster positive social interactions, enjoy the experience of reading and more.
Free, registration required. Call to register.
Maplewood Library
3025 Southlawn Drive, Maplewood