Boxer Flavio Becerra has been perfecting his craft even more since we checked in with him last March, and he’s got a one-two punch plan to make it to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. But first he has to turn 19, which is the qualifying age.
He also must place high in this month’s Golden Gloves tournament. “Right away after turning 19, I can get in that tournament and see where I’m at,” says Becerra. “I know I’m in a good spot, but I’ll be able to really see then.”
That confidence is justified by tireless training. At age 18, Becerra won the 2013 Ringside World Championships in August. “I worked really hard for that, and I ended up winning,” he says. “But I’m trying to get in as many fights as possible so I can keep getting experience.”
From the March 2014 issue
White Bear Boxer Flavio Becerra Eyes the Olympics
Boxer and Century College student has his eye on the Olympics.
Flavio Becerra attends Century College and trains as a boxer.
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