In this year's education issue, we highlight scholars, athletes, scientists and thinkers from the class of 2020: Ruby Ales, Isaac Maruyama, Elizabeth (Ella) Sutherland
Jack Dobrotka
Liberty Classical Academy
What has been the highlight of your academic career so far?
Finishing my junior thesis. We have to do a 10-page paper. It was about irresistible grace in Calvinism. It’s the belief that you can’t be saved by your works—God has to call you to be saved.
What’s something that people would be surprised to know about you?
I guess people see me for who I am—I don’t think they’d be surprised by anything.
What are you main academic interests?
U.S. history. I think it’s interesting to learn how our country was founded, how we got to where are and some of the mistakes we’ve made.
What sports are you involved in?
Track and target shooting—that’s with clay pigeons. For track, I do middle distance, 800 and the mile, and I do shot-put and discus.
What do you like most about your school?
The size of our classes. There are eight people in my class, so we really get to know each other, but we also get on each other’s nerves.
What advice would you give someone just starting high school?
Work as hard as you possibly can, though that’s kind of a given. Have a little bit of fun but don’t goof off enough to get bad grades.
What is your special power?
I’m a pretty hard worker. I set my mind on stuff and then I do it.
What do you plan to do after graduation?
I’d like to go to Colorado Christian University and do ROTC and then join the Army. Serving my country seems like a worthwhile pursuit.
Who is one person who had a strong influence on you, and why?
My grandpa. He’s kind of the person I want to grow up to be. He’s got a lot of skills but he’s really humble about it. He knows a lot about everything. He loves to be outdoors. He loves cars. We have a lot of the same interests.