Parlour Antiques Offers Unique, One-of-a-kind Items

Sharleen Lindeman became an antique aficionado at a young age, trailing after her mother in antique stores. Following college, her appreciation for everything old became a full-fledged passion that transformed into her business, Parlour Antiques.
Located in downtown White Bear Lake, the store is filled with unique items. “We want people to come into our shop and see things that they’ve never seen before,” Lindeman says. The store is filled with variety, from antique books and furniture to vintage toys.

The quaint shop’s layout allows customers to fully appreciate the assortment of objects without feeling crowded. Lindeman and her business partner, Rick Fallon, also offer estate services, home staging and selling items for customers, while noting  potential inventory additions.

“Our inventory is changing daily, which is a nice way to entice people to come back,” Lindeman says. The flow of items, estate services and store design has warranted great comments, ensuring that Lindeman and Fallon are on the right track.

“Getting that positive feedback adds to my passion and makes me want to continue serving this community,” Lindeman says. “It reaffirms that I’m doing the right thing.”