Peace & Pages

Yogadevotion founder releases a book of yoga poses and daily devotions.

Cindy Senarighi began a faith-based yoga called Yogadevotion in 1999. “I took the philosophy of yoga and integrated it with my faith,” Senarighi says. Yogadevotion doesn’t have a storefront but, instead, travels to its customers. “I like to think about it as the model of Jesus,” Senarighi says. “Jesus went to people; he wasn’t a big fan of one building.”

Since then, she has grown her company and put out a book, Yogadevotion: Practicing in the Presence, which was released in January. “We started about a year and a half ago,” Senarighi says. “I have about 3,000 devotions that I’ve written over the years; we had to winnow out which ones were universal.”

The book features a weekly devotion, but that’s not all. “Every week has a picture of somebody in the world doing yoga; that is the focus pose of that week,” Senarighi says.

Yogadevotion can be ordered at the website here and on Amazon.