For all the fuss we Minnesotans make about winter, there is something truly special about this season. Even after the holidays wind down and the air becomes colder, that sense of renewal, of a slate wiped clean and new beginnings, is something I’ll always look forward to. In that same spirit, I’m thrilled to introduce myself as the new editor of this extraordinary community lifestyle magazine. What an honor it is to step in at such an important moment, as this community looks to heal following a period of great change and difficulty. I am indebted to departing guest editors Nancy Eike and Cheryl Brunkow, under whose helm this magazine flourished, and managing editor Hailey Almsted as well as managing creative director Renée Stewart-Hester, whose guidance has been invaluable.
White Bear Lake is a community all its own, with a unique character that magnetizes visitors and residents alike. As a kid growing up just north of White Bear Lake, I often came here with loved ones to enjoy the area’s stunning beaches and restaurants. This town has always been a home away from home, and I’m overjoyed to now have the privilege to immerse myself in this community in a meaningful way.
When I’m not wearing my editor’s hat, I can often be found with a camera or book in my hand, wandering the trails of the St. Croix Valley with my partner or baking pies/making a mess of my kitchen.
I am beyond delighted to begin sharing stories of heart from this remarkable community, but I can’t do it without the help of you, reader! Send me an email, give me a call, or introduce yourself when you see me wandering around town. I’m here to serve. This magazine is, and always will be, for you.
Zoe Deal