Spring has always been my favorite time of year. Shedding winter layers for bright colors, watching green buds spring from retreating snow, basking in the warm winds as they usher birds back to my doorstep. It always feels this way. And perhaps it’s just me, but as the weather shifts, I sense a collective inhalation, an embrace of life and change that we each make gladly and with hope in our hearts.
This issue is centered around stories of tuning into the world and oneself. On page 16, writer Ava Diaz speaks with local creator Jamie Tatreau on her line of organic, sustainably-sourced beauty products that encourage the ritual of self-care. And on page 12, I look into the #GrayHairRevolution, speaking with the women in our community who are embracing their natural gray hair and choosing to age fearlessly.
The featured stories in this issue broach how our connections and beliefs guide the way we live our lives. Staci Perry Mergenthal writes on page 20 about a group of seniors who has spent every Tuesday morning together for the past 40 years and the past 28 at Keys Café. Over coffee and baked goods, the women and men tell their stories of friendship through hard times. It’s a heartwarming piece you won’t want to miss.
Our second feature is centered on a White Bear Lake business that is helping us craft our dream homes and lives. Flip to page 25 to meet the women behind Blue Pencil Collective, a local architecture and design company with roots in sustainable design.
Let us never forget the importance of taking care of our friends, as well as ourselves and our planet. I hope this issue encourages a deep breath for you and that these stories ease you out of winter’s hold and back into the sun’s embrace.
Until next time,
Zoe Deal