Twin Cities Orthopedics Opens Clinic Next to the Vadnais Sports Center

Sports are an integral part of growing up, and for kids in the Vadnais Heights and White Bear Lake area, that’s no different. Throughout the year, many children visit the Vadnais Sports Center and spend their days and nights practicing for the big game, hanging out with friends and putting their heart and soul into the sport of their choice. However, kids get hurt. No matter how hard you try to keep them safe, they’re going to fall down or have an injury. And that’s where Twin Cities Orthopedics comes in to pick them back up.

The new Twin Cities Orthopedics near Vadnais Sports Center opened last December and brought a handful of great convenience and help for the community. The complex is located across the parking lot from the center. Dan Cresco, chief operating officer of Twin Cities Orthopedics, says the idea sparked because Vadnais Sports Center and Twin Cities Orthopedics shared a campus. “I think the community looked at what kind of needs we had,” Cresco explains. “We do have some other providers in the market, but having something that close was very beneficial to anyone at that campus at the time.”

The convenience of having an orthopedics center near the Vadnais Sports Center has always been Twin Cities Orthopedics’ goal. “Having it on the complex just creates great ease of access for anybody,” Cresco says. “They’re able to come on over and be seen by a doctor, have an X-ray done, those kind of things.” Cresco says sprains and strains are the most common injury seen at the facility, and having this type of business so close to where many children and adults have the potential of injury helps immensely. “No matter what part of the body, the ankles, knees, the hips, shoulders, elbows, hands, that kind of thing,” Cresco says. “Any part of the body that you could injure from a musculoskeletal standpoint, we’ll be able to treat.”

Twin Cities Orthopedics has been up and running for more than 75 years and is one of the largest orthopedics practices in the country. They provide a wide variety of services, including physical therapy, joint replacement, prosthetics, fitness classes and more. They also have a handful of specialty centers for ankle care, elbow care, shoulder care and knee care. The Vadnais Heights location focuses heavily on physical and hand therapy, and imaging like X-rays and scans. “We’ll have a spine doctor there, with some ability to do injections and things like that as well,” Cresco says.
You will have the opportunity to be treated by three different board certified and trained physicians at any given point. They also have other Allied Health professionals, including podiatrists. The clinic is open Monday through Friday, and therapy is offered from around 6:15 a.m. to 7 p.m.

So, whether hockey, baseball or football catches your child’s eye, the Vadnais Sports Center will be there to support that passion, and the Twin Cities Orthopedics will be there to help them when they’re down. “We just want to be able to provide ease of access, greater access for the needs of the community and that sports center,” Cresco says.