White Bear Heights Offers Unique Training for All Staff

With a great number of seniors living with Alzheimer’s and dementia, it is more important than ever they receive quality care, and White Bear Heights Senior Living works hard to meet that need. “Every new employee goes through a mandatory orientation with three and a half to five and a half hours of advanced dementia care,” dimensions program coordinator Marysue Moses says.

The key to their success in training is that the learning never ends. Once a month Moses sends out an interactive presentation to staff she calls “hot topic training.”

“Each month has a different topic having to do with memory care, such as how to handle hoarding, how to respond when patients are homesick or basic approaches and communication,” Moses says.

Not only does the staff have a strong focus on their patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia, they also provide aid for those who are affected by dementia with a support group. “Dementia can be challenging for family members, and it is hard to see loved ones losing abilities and skills,” Moses says.

Support group meetings every second Tuesday of the month from 3–4 p.m.
White Bear Heights Senior Living