Jackie Baker loves to share idyllic New England scenery with Minnesota. An active senior at the Arbors, Baker was raised on the East Coast before moving to the Midwest in the 1960s with her husband and children, and has vivid memories of the picturesque scenery in her home region that has influenced her artwork since.
“I’ve always painted. I had a scholarship to the Boston Conservatory, but I married my husband before the war instead of going,” Baker explains. She became more serious about her art in the early 1960s and has since produced paintings of scenes from all over New England, from Maine to Cape Cod.
Oil paints are Baker’s favorite medium, and although her works are now based on inspiring postcards and photographs, her fondness for the East Coast, which she still visits, is clear. “It’s so lovely,” she says. “You just want to paint it.”
From the January 2014 issue
Arbors Resident Captures Memories of East Coast
Arbors resident uses oil paint to recapture the beauty of the East Coast.
One of Jackie Baker's paintings.