One of White Bear Lake’s creatives has returned to her roots. Artist, ceramicist and business owner Louisa Podlich has turned her entrepreneurial energy toward White Bear Center for the Arts (WBCA), where she has recently taught student artists how to add watercolor to ceramics and create a thriving business from their work. Podlich sells original artwork through her company A MANO, which means “by hand.” Her colorful vision can be found in a variety of ceramic creations like dishes, earrings and rainbow ornaments as well as beautiful cloth napkins. Podlich’s work is available at the WBCA retail area and online at weshopamano.com. It is inevitable that Podlich will find more than one way to inspire you!
Karna Holub is the gallery coordinator at White Bear Center for the Arts. Learn more about WBCA offerings and events at whitebeararts.org