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The program will feature the following galleries: 2001 A Space, Circa, IceBox, Kolman & Pryor, NE Sculpture Gallery Factory, Qarma, Rogue Buddha, Rosalux, and Tres Leches Gallery.

Herman Milligan, prominent art collector and NE-AD board member, will lead a discussion following the PechaKucha presentations. The discussion is intended to help inform the NE-AD leadership and the public on what is needed to sustain a thriving gallery culture. The definition of "gallery" may be constantly changing to meet consumer preferences. At this PechaKucha we will explore how Northeast galleries have managed these changes and what NE-AD can do to help.

Bring your questions to the Ritz Tuesday, July 23, 6 p.m. The free event, with refreshments, will conclude by 8 p.m., after which people will be gathering next door at Rogue Buddha Gallery for a reception and informal conversation. Donations ($5 recommended) are appreciated to offset venue expenses and the PechaKucha license.

Pecha Kucha Nights are a project of the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District's HATCH committee, which is exploring the need for an arts center or online clearinghouse.

The Details
Tuesday July 23, 6-8pm