Happy Dogs, Happy People

Laura Fraser brings joy with her dog-walking and pet-care business.
Laura Fraser has turned her passion for pooches into a fun business.

After being a stay-at-home mom for more than 10 years, Laura Fraser knew she
wanted to go back to work, but the thought of returning to a corporate desk job
wasn’t appealing. Fraser has always loved animals, so starting a dog-walking and
pet-care business made perfect sense. “What makes me happiest in the whole
world, besides my family, is being with animals,” she says.

When kenneling is not an option, owners can use Happy Dog to make sure their
beloved pet is walked, fed and most importantly, played with while they are
gone. Fraser takes on about three clients per day for pet care, and visits each
pet in their home about three to four times per day, based on the owner’s
preference. “It’s a busy day,” Fraser says. “It’s not just physical needs I have
to take care of, but emotional needs as well. I give them as much love as I

Although it is a lot of work, Fraser loves what she does, and certainly lives
up to her slogan: Happy people walking happy dogs. “It’s so hard to be anything
but happy when you’re around these dogs,” she says. “It makes me so happy to
walk dogs.”

Happy Dog
Vacation pet care packages start at $40 per day, which includes 3 visits for
one dog, $10 for additional dog. Dog walking starts at $18.