For the Love of Lakes

Doug Martin captures the spirit of a beloved lifestyle.

There’s a distinct current running through our Minnesota culture; it’s one that is revered and best paired with a sunset: the “lake life.” We spend our days in and around its wake, reveling in the little time we have to wade in the water before winter appears. As we move toward spring, we do our reveling through photos like this one.

Doug Martin, the photographer, is passionate about lake life. “I grew up in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin,” Martin says. “My fondest memories were by the cool lake at sunset.” In fact, to prompt this shot, Martin said, “Give me your best ‘we’re having so much fun on the lake at sunset!’”

The girls pictured are the Jones sisters; from left to right they are Emma, Sam and Taylor. Martin played football with their father at the University of Minnesota, and they’ve remained close ever since. If the girl in the middle, Sam Jones, looks familiar, you might recognize her from the Readers’ Choice photo from 2014’s Best Of White Bear Lake issue, also shot by Doug Martin. “This is so representative of White Bear Lake,” Martin says. “These girls were raised in White Bear Lake, all graduated or currently attend the high school, and then of course you have the lake, too.”

It’s hard to pick a star of this picture; is it the girls? Their smiles? The setting sun? Any answer would ring true, but it’s hard to imagine the photo without the water. “We are spoiled with the most beautiful backdrop. We’re the land of 10,000 lakes, after all,” Martin laughs. “We have a few good ones.”