Jo Emerson, the mayor of White Bear Lake, was elected president of the League of Minnesota Cities for 2017–2018. The election took place on June 15th at the League’s Annual Conference in Rochester. Emerson previously served the League as a member of the board, and as first and second vice president.
“We advocate for cities, and make sure legislation is fair and equitable,” says Emerson on the League’s mission. (Out of the 853 Minnesota cities, 833 are League members.)
As president, Emerson’s roles include being the League’s official spokesperson, running board meetings, chairing the executive committee, appointing people to committees and working closely with the executive director.
Emerson was elected mayor in November 2009 and took office in January 2010. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet people,” Emerson says on being a mayor and president. “I meet people whose paths I would have never crossed.”