New Book: MatLands; True Stories from the Wrestling Road

Jumpin’ Jim Brunzell writes about life on the pro wrestling circuit.

Jim Brunzell, the White Bear Lake native and World Wrestling Entertainment alum, has written a book. MatLands: True Stories from the Wrestling Road covers 66 years of Jumpin’ Jim’s life journey, mostly pulled from his 25-year career as a pro wrestler. The book was published in June.

MatLands began when Brunzell’s wife, Mary, gave him a Dictaphone so he was able to record himself speaking about certain events in his career. After discovering that he soon had more than 50 stories, he decided to put pen to paper. “I wrote the book to give the fan, and non-fan, a small snapshot of what life was like on the ‘pro rasslin’ road, before, during and after my matches,” he says.

“MatLands was originally intended for my kids and grandkids, but as interest grew, I saw a market in the public that was gaining momentum,” Brunzell adds. Covering more than 5,000 wrestling matches, and miles and miles of travel across the world, MatLands has a story for everyone.