With COVID-19 and the ensuing closures affecting all workout facilities, the YMCA, including the White Bear Area YMCA, recently began offering their popular fitness classes in a digital format. So now you can skip the gym AND get fit.
The YMCA 360 initiative includes a variety of classes, including Boot Camp, Barre, Yoga, low-impact programs, as well as youth sports classes. And there are classes for seniors too, to ensure they’re staying active.
12Bursts, geared towards kids and families, is a fun, web-based challenge that encourages families to participate in 12, five-minute activities throughout the day—a new set of “bursts” will be available each day. Add it up and, yep, that’s one hour of exercise!
A sample of some of the fun bursts include:
- Slow-Mo Burst: Take the largest steps you can and go to each room in your home, using the most exaggerated movements at the slowest speed possible.
- Tidy Burst (moms and dads will like this one): You guessed it … tidy up your space by putting away as many toys, clothes, items, etc., in a five-minute timeframe.
- Alphabet Burst: Set the timer for five minutes and sing the alphabet song while doing jumping jacks—and then sing it doing push-ups.
The YMCA is encouraging folks to record their “bursts” and post online using #12bursts.