White Bear Lake Medium Suzanne Worthley

Local woman has devoted much of her life to energies in this world and beyond.

Suzanne Worthley has always felt very connected to metaphysical studies. With a mortician as a father, Worthley grew up in a family that embraced the topics of death, dying, energies and spirits. She has vivid memories of experiencing energies in her room at night, as young as the age of five. So she decided to channel all that metaphysical experience into a career.

Worthley provides energy healing and chakra balancing to individuals and couples, and hospice work to help individuals move through the dying process. She also conducts “space healings,” which removes unwanted energies from homes and businesses. This is an elaborate process that begins as Worthley surrounds herself with love and support for protection, feels the energies and then uses her special tools to get the energies to move on out.

Want to know more? Worthley will be presenting an Intro to Ghost and Spirit Energies class on October 17 at the White Bear Lake Area Schools District Center. You can register at whitebearregistration.org.

To contact Worthley, visit sworthley.com, or email her at sworthley@gmail.com. Intrigued? Read editor Nancy Eike’s blog on how she utilized Suzanne Worthley’s space healing service when her daughter recently moved into a home built in 1900; yes, a ghost was involved.