White Bear Lake Sweetheart Runs Return

Annual Sweetheart Runs get the heart pumping
Hadley and Beth Everhart of White Bear Township are ready to run in their Valentine's Day-inspired running gear.

Lace up your sneakers and bust out your windbreaker: it’s time for the annual Sweetheart Runs, an outdoor racing event that inspires people to get outside and run in even the chilliest weather.

“When we started doing the race 10 or 15 years ago, we were the only winter race in the Twin Cities,” says Randy Fulton president and owner of FrontRunner USA, the company behind the Sweetheart Runs. The races now draw approximately 300 participants each year. “People like to run and compete and socialize, no matter what the weather is.”
With 5K, 10K, 10-mile, and kids’ runs, there’s a way for every runner or wannabe-runner to participate, regardless of skill or experience. What’s most important in these races is to stay safe; not an easy feat in the wintertime with icy roads and snow hazards.
The race mainly takes place on county and city roads that Fulton says are generally clear of hazards, but he recommends adding ice cleats to running shoes to avoid slippage and layering sweat-wicking and insulating-type clothing to help stay warm. Bonus points if your running gear comes in a festive Valentine’s Day hue.

When: February 15. Races begin at 9 a.m.
Where: St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, 900 Stillwater Road, Mahtomedi
Cost: $30 in advance and $40 at the race for adults; $10 in advance and $12 at the race for children.
Register: frontrunnerusa.com