In the Company of Greatness

An evening with a world-class pianist.

There are people in life who, as a pastor from my old church used to say, “carry their own set of lights.” They are illuminated from within and needn’t have anything other than their own greatness to make them shine. Eden Prairie High School graduate and Stanford University freshman Brandon Hill is one of those people.

A young man who writes with such passion, such clarity, such intellect, that I am reminded of my own foibles and shortcomings.

I will keep my eyes and ears open for the wonderful things that this young man will accomplish in his life; many of which have roots that stemmed from his traveling the globe and his time spent among the delightful, intelligent, passionate young men at Morehouse College during his gap year.

If you’d like to read more about Brandon Hill and his gap year (a year off between high school and college), check out my article in the August issue of Southwest Metro Magazine, available August 1 at

Until then, get some background on Hill at his website.