White Bear Lake Magazine Launch Party

A terrific evening of food, new friends, music and more.

Last Thursday evening, over 100 people came to the beautiful Kellerman’s Event Center (look for a terrific piece about the talented Terry Kellerman and this historic building in the January issue) to celebrate the launch of White Bear Lake Magazine. There was terrific food (thanks to all the food vendors!), wonderful music, networking and a whole lot of fantastic folks just happy to be there. As editor of the magazine, I felt like a proud mama showing off her new bundle of joy. Of course, I am only part of the contingent of people who will make sure the magazine is both editorially engaging and visually appealing each month.

As I mentioned to the folks at the event, I look forward to sharing the stories of the people, places, history, businesses, organizations and events that make the White Bear Lake area such a great place to live and work. I’m always on the lookout for great stories so if you have something in mind, don’t hesitate to contact me.

The October issue should hit any day. Happy Reading!!!