Food & Drink

Man preparing vegetables.

Start the New Year With Flavors That Fuel. White Bear Lake area nutritionist suggests foods to soothe the winter blues.

The month of August occupies a special place in the local foodie’s um, gullet; not only because summer produce is at its height, but also because it’s State Fair season—i.e., stuff-your-face-with-fun-food season. The iconic “fun food” being, of course, some kind of hot dog, brat or sausage.

Summer is finally here. After a long, grueling winter that brought snow, snow and more snow, it’s time to bust out the flip-flops and slather on the sunscreen. And on a hot, sunny summer day, nothing beats a cool, refreshing beverage.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for … pizza. No, really! Just about everyone loves pizza. It is the perfect food: portable, versatile, ubiquitous and delicious—whether it’s at a swanky restaurant or from a no-frills by-the-slice counter.

It was a full house at Manitou Station, where winners were announced for the Best of White Bear Lake 2014.

After a revival on the coasts, rosé wine is making a comeback in Minnesota. Eric Hendrickson, owner of Mahtomedi Liquor Barrel, has seen an increase in requests for rosé over the past year, and he is fond of the trend.

Tantalize your taste buds with Memphis-style ribs, coleslaw and baked beans from CG Hooks Eatery.

When you think about it, ribs are an intimidating prospect—stacked with bones, awkward to maneuver and skimpy on meat. But what other food lets us indulge our inner Neanderthal, has a built-in handle and leaves a good gnaw for the dog?

Set your taste buds a-twitter with some fabulous fare from two new eateries. Here’s a quick peek at what they have to offer:

Olive’s Fresh Pizza Bar

Succulent shrimp add the perfect burst of flavor to the shrimp pad thai from Sam Thai Cuisine.

Slippery, slithery, shimmery noodles— how we love you! It’s hard to imagine life without the noodle, as humankind has been blessed with the noodle’s delights for a very long time.

Vintage tea set, tea sandwiches and scones make for a perfect tea party. Styled by Rae Danneman with items courtesy of Avalon Tearoom.

If you’ve ever imagined yourself at the Mad Hatter’s tea table in Wonderland, or daydreamed about taking tea with the Queen of England, look no further: You can find a traditional tea experience right here in White Bear Lake.

You can practically hear Homer Simpson saying it: “Mmm … bacon.” But maybe it was your own voice intoning those words of love. Check the mirror. Do you see a blissed-out expression? Is that a trickle of drool on your chin? Yep, it was you, and suddenly you need bacon, stat.
